Participants began by brainstorming inspired questions their students might ask and then generated sub-questions, divided by subject area, that would address these larger ideas.
K-3 Question Curriculum
Inspired Question: Why is she mean to me?
Subject Area Sub-Questions
Social Skills
- How can we include everyone?
- What are ways we can support each other?
- Do we know of periods of time where people were mean to each other?
- Have you ever felt this way?
- Has anyone read a story about people being mean to you?
- How can writing help us solve our problems?
- What would you say to someone who was mean to you?
- Can you write a story about a time you solved a problem
- about someone being mean to you?
- How do you feel when someone is mean to you?
- How can you tell how someone is feeling?
- What did you notice when you did…?
- Can we keep track of acts of kindness- tally marks, graph
Inspired Question: Why did my dog die?
Subject Area Sub-Questions
Social Skills
- Have you experienced a loss?
- Can you imagine what it feels like?
- How can you help others?
- What helped you?
- Read books about loss and ask- how did you feel?
- How can writing help you deal with your loss?
- Life cycle- how do we care for ourselves?
- What happens to our bodies?
- How long do we live?
4-5 Question Curriculum
Inspired Question: Why is our world in conflict?
Inspired Question: Why is our world in conflict?
Subject Area Sub-Questions
- Why did the Holocaust happen?
- Why do we fight with people we love?
- Why is gas so expensive?
- How will global warming increase conflict?
- Why are we in Iraq?
6-8 Question Curriculum
Inspired Question: Why are things unfair?
Subject Area Sub-Questions
- How do we show that things aren’t fair?
- What mathematical representations can illustrate unfairness?
- Should things be unfair?
- Is the justice system fair?
- What is the definition of unfair?
- What literature pieces give examples of fair/unfair?
- Is ‘survival of the fittest’ fair?
- How do we make environmental decisions?
- Does advertising impose ideas of fairness/unfairness?
- What areas of the arts are open to whom? Fair?
- Why do bad things happen to good people?
- Why are some people healthier than others?
Inspired Question: Why are illegal immigrants returned to Mexico?
Subject Area Sub-Questions
- What is the demographic distribution of people in the United States and Mexico?
- What is the relative income between Mexico and the United States?
- What are nations? What are borders?
- How do you choose where you live?
9-12 Question Curriculum
Inspired Question: Why can’t you just tell me?
Inspired Question: Why can’t you just tell me?
Subject Area Sub-Questions
- What is the difference between knowing something and understanding something?
- How does discovery lead to new inventions?
- Why do you have to learn some things on your own and what experiences have you had on your own?
- Why is there only one answer?
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