Monday, June 4, 2007


Nine Lives in the Classroom

Judy smiles when she recounts the time she was a new teacher who had never been in a classroom.

"Oh my gosh, I was so terrified. Any minute I thought they're [her students] going to figure out I don't know how to do this. But I figured it out...I got it. You ask questions and value the moment to moment reality and your experience flows seamlessly. I drew on all my previous experience as a writer, director, actor, and student."

Judy’s extensive and varied career was a resource in the classroom. Drawing on diverse experiences enabled Judy to have a ‘big bag of tricks’ when it came to her teaching techniques. She asserts that harnessing past experiences can bring a fresh perspective to teaching and provide inspiration in the classroom.

Judy White continues to transform teaching through her work with Inspired Teaching - she leads seminars and workshops, mentors new teachers, and even traveled to India to bring Inspired Teaching to a local school for artisans. While constantly taking on new projects and roles, Judy maintains a simple philosophy, “I’ve had nine lives. But I’m always a student and teacher.”

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