Friday, February 23, 2007
Art of the Student
My day job involves supporting Center for Inspired Teaching and the teachers we work with. On Thursdays my night job involves putting what I've learned here into practice.
For the past several weeks I've been teaching an evening watercolor class to 3rd-5th graders. Three years ago the class would have been about imparting my knowledge of watercolor technique and training the students to create copy-cat watercolor images pre-determined by me. But today that couldn't be farther from my goal. Today my class is about fostering a love of this medium in my students by giving them the freedom to learn about it themselves. And the results have been wonderful.
Last night we made underwater scenes using paint, plastic wrap, glue, and salt. My students found new ways to use those materials that many professional artists would love to learn. As I watched them mix colors, develop strategies for keeping paper wet, discover new effects when they added new materials - I LEARNED... and I've been painting with watercolors for 20 years.
At the end of the class aliens and fish with goatees inhabited the unorthodox oceans that walked out of the room, but my students had fun and their pictures were incredible.
I didn't have to teach them how to do a wash on the paper, I didn't have to teach them how to hold their brushes to paint the sand... I had to give them the tools and support they needed to arrive at that that knowledge on their own. And they did.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
When the Outside Blows In
I think everyone wants to see something done to decrease the statistics at Anacostia High School. "This school year, there have been 102 reported incidents at Anacostia, including fights, threats, robberies and thefts," the article states. And the groups Fenty is bringing in have had some success working with students to find the root causes of violence in schools.
But what strikes me about this article and the project designed to solve to this problem is the absence of teachers in the solution. Certainly trained counselors can make a difference, and safety patrols in the hallways are likely to cut down on fights, but are teachers being trained to deal with what happens when the world outside their classrooms blows in?
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs is very clear on the point that the ability and desire to learn is only possible when basic and social needs are met. It matters little that they're being met in school hallways and counseling offices if they're not also being met inside the classroom.
These community groups should share their strategies with the staff at Anacostia and Johnson Middle School (the other school involved in the project.) And all the adults in the building should work together to make sure the changes implemented outside the classrooms are also happening inside them.
Teachers spend more time during the day with students than most other adults in their lives. When teachers make their curriculum relevant to the lives of their students and interesting to learn - this alone will cut down on the discipline problems in the classroom. Teachers are a necessary component in the success of this project.
If they are supported in their efforts to build trusting relationships, share responsibility for learning, respect student differences, and celebrate each student's unique gifts - Teachers will be part of the solution to what's troubling these schools.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
If You Want to Build a Ship...
Mayor Fenty’s proposal to restructure the governance of the city’s public schools represents a sense of urgency, a desire for swift action and strong leadership. What is missing from the Mayor’s ambitious plan to improve the governance of DC’s schools is an equally ambitious, equally bold plan to improve the quality of instruction our students experience. Scholarly research has shown that teacher quality matters more than class size, more than students’ prior achievement, and more than students’ socioeconomic background[1]. The report from the Parthenon Group commissioned by Mayor Fenty himself to make the case for a mayoral takeover cited the quality of instruction as the leading ‘pain point’ in DCPS[2]. Thus, scholarly research, independent analyses of DCPS by experts, and plain common sense all suggest that the real issue before us is not who controls the budget but rather how well our teachers are teaching. Yet the current proposal and the surrounding debate are entirely silent when it comes to what actually happens in the classroom. The children, parents, and teachers of the
Substantive change will not be accomplished through the familiar workhorses of educational policy reform, such as mandating new curricula, threatening stricter accountability measures, or tinkering with collective bargaining agreements. It can be accomplished by re-engineering the classroom so that the work of school becomes more intellectually engaging for both students and teachers. In one recent study conducted by Center for Inspired Teaching, an educational reform nonprofit that fosters teachers’ professional growth, DCPS students spent just one percent of their class time asking thoughtful questions about the subject at hand. In contrast, students spent sixty percent of their time on passive learning activities—sitting quietly, completing worksheets that emphasized simple recall and basic understanding, copying down information provided by the teacher. A teacher who values students’ obedience more than their intellect, a school system that encourages compliance rather than critical thinking, is not an adequate preparation for participation in democracy. We must transform our classrooms from places where teachers talk and students listen to centers of inquiry, where teachers inspire and students investigate. Going to school should be like going to work in a NASA or NIH lab. Students should have real responsibility; make important decisions; look for answers when they need new information; experiment; take risks; learn from failures; and return home each day exhausted and exhilarated from their accomplishments. We should invest in training teachers to provide these sorts of learning experiences, and support them materially and administratively when they do.
When thinking of the underlying reasons for the intractable problems in our schools, and why our efforts at reform have so far fallen short, it is worth considering a quote from Antoine de St-Exupery, author of the children’s classic The Little Prince. "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give the orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." Top-down educational reform gives teachers orders, standards and curriculum plans divide the work, but none of these validates their yearning for meaningful work that makes a real difference with the children they serve. There has been far too little consideration of how the proposed restructuring would affect teachers and teaching. Those of us concerned with the education of our city’s children—and that should be each and every one of us--should urge our leaders to spell out more fully whether and how the alternative structure would allow for more purposeful, more powerful investments in training teachers to deliver the rich and responsive curriculum our children deserve. No educational policy can effect substantive change in schools if it does not successfully galvanize teachers’ efforts and intellects and invest in their continuous professional growth as educators.
While sophisticated, meaningful inquiry into the possibilities and challenges of truly engaging teachers and learners may be less amenable to sound-bites than easy-to-understand solutions such as “let the mayor run the schools,” the complex nature of quality teaching and learning requires complex questions and answers. Throughout the recent City Council hearings on the proposed restructuring, there has been much talk about testing and legislating, and comparatively little discussion of teaching and learning. Careful consideration of the effects of change at the top is warranted and welcome, of course. But at some point, and hopefully some point soon, the children who attend DCPS schools deserve an equally vigorous debate on a plan to create meaningful change the teaching and learning they experience on a day to day basis.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A Spot for Inspired Teachers
This quote describes what we believe Inspired Teachers do, and this is the kind of philosophy we're going to explore on this Blog.
Center for Inspired Teaching has spent over a decade providing training and support for K-12 educators in Washington, DC. We believe students should be engaged in work that is meaningful, challenged to find their own solutions to problems, and empowered to reach their full potential. Who can make this possible? Teachers. We believe teachers are the solution.
We look forward to sharing our ideas and success stories through this Blog and hope you'll give us feedback on the topics we explore. If you're already an Inspired Teacher we hope this Blog will serve as a resource and validation for the important work you do every day. If you're aspiring to be an Inspired Teacher we hope this Blog will help to move you in that direction.
An Inspired Teacher:
• Challenges students with meaningful, relevant, and interesting school work.
• Establishes and maintains high expectations by holding students accountable, providing intellectually stimulating content, and motivating students to achieve beyond their perceived limits.
• Sparks students’ natural intellectual curiosity, is well-versed in subject matter, and employs many methods of enabling students to learn it.
• Builds a positive and productive relationship with every student.
• Plans each lesson thoughtfully and with a clear goal in mind, continually observes and assesses student learning, and adjusts instruction accordingly.
• Enjoys teaching and embraces new challenges.
• Enables students to become knowledgeable and self-disciplined, with the skills to think and solve complex problems in school and in real life.